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Publications using NMI Products

Jul 1, 2023

Conjugated small molecule inhibiting intrinsic ion migration and enriching electron transfer channels for stable and efficient perovskite solar cells

Generally, efficient and stable perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have the following characteristics: 1) less ion migration; 2) large perovskite grain size; 3) low defect state density; 4) efficient charge transfer and inhibited carrier recombination.

Conjugated small molecule inhibiting intrinsic ion migration and enriching electron transfer channels for stable and efficient perovskite solar cells

Jun 29, 2023

Pressure-tuned valence transition, insulator-metal transition in van der Waals antiferromagnet CrPS3

Our study, combining an evolutionary algorithm and first-principles calculations, establishes the existence of a pressure-induced insulator-metal transition

Pressure-tuned valence transition, insulator-metal transition in van der Waals antiferromagnet CrPS3

Jun 7, 2023

Three consecutive quantum anomalous Hall gaps in a metal-organic

In this work, we predict that a synthesized two-dimensional metalorganic material, a Fe(biphenolate)3 network, can be a unique QAH insulator, in which there are three
consecutive nontrivial bandgaps

Three consecutive quantum anomalous Hall gaps in a metal-organic

Jun 1, 2023

Reinforcement of resin-modified glass-ionomer cement with glass fiber and graphene oxide

To evaluate the effect of adding glass fiber and graphene oxide to a resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC)

Reinforcement of resin-modified glass-ionomer cement with glass fiber and graphene oxide

May 18, 2023

Comparison of Cu, Al, and Zr metallic contacts for chalcopyrite CIGS thin-film

Glass/Mo/CIGS was produced by the physical vapor deposition method and its morphological and structural characterizations were performed.

Comparison of Cu, Al, and Zr metallic contacts for chalcopyrite CIGS thin-film

Apr 3, 2023

Broadband Photon Harvesting in Organic Photovoltaic Devices Induced by Large-Area Nanogrooved Templates

This work demonstrate broadband and omnidirectional photon harvesting in thin-film OPV devices enabled by highly ordered one-dimensional (1D) arrays of nanogrooves.

Broadband Photon Harvesting in Organic Photovoltaic Devices Induced by Large-Area Nanogrooved Templates

Feb 23, 2023

High-speed nanoscale tribology enabled by combined QCM/AFM

Forming a fundamental understanding of tribological processes on the atomic scale has the potential to revolutionize the control of friction and wear in macroscopic mechanical systems.

High-speed nanoscale tribology enabled by combined QCM/AFM

Feb 22, 2023

Novel and eco-friendly hydrophobic treatment of cotton and polyester fabrics based-on octavinyl and aminopropylisobutyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes

The hydrophobicity of cotton and polyester fabrics plays a significant role in various industrial applications. Anchoring hydrophobic chemicals onto the fabric surface is one of the major strategies.

Novel and eco-friendly hydrophobic treatment of cotton and polyester fabrics based-on octavinyl and aminopropylisobutyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes

Feb 16, 2023

The effect of illumination on p-n junction diodes based on Yb-doped CuO thin films produced by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis method

On the glass substrate, un-doped and different proportions of Yb (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 wt%) doped CuO thin films were deposited by the ultrasonic spray pyrolysis (USP) method.

The effect of illumination on p-n junction diodes based on Yb-doped CuO thin films produced by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis method

Jan 28, 2023

Ampisilinin Sn/Sb/Ni-Ti anotlarla elektrokimyasal giderimine çeşitli parametrelerin etkisi

In this study, it was investigated the applicability of Sn/Sb/Ni-Ti anodes for electrochemical oxidation of ampicillin in aqueous solutions.

Ampisilinin Sn/Sb/Ni-Ti anotlarla elektrokimyasal giderimine çeşitli parametrelerin etkisi

Jan 17, 2023

A Two-Step Femtosecond Laser-Based Deposition of Robust Corrosion-Resistant Molybdenum Oxide Coating

A two-step femtosecond-pulsed laser deposition (fs-PLD) process is reported for the rapid development of uniform, poreless, crack-free, and well-adhering amorphous coatings of source materials with a high melting point. The first step comprises a high-rate raw deposition of the source material via fs-PLD, followed by a second step of scanning the raw sample with fs laser pulses of optimized fluence and scan parameters.

A Two-Step Femtosecond Laser-Based Deposition of Robust Corrosion-Resistant Molybdenum Oxide Coating

Nov 14, 2022

Kompozit Tabanlı Alan Etkili Transistör Tasarımı ve Dokunsal Algılama Uygulaması

Studies on the design and production of flexible field-effect transistors (FET) using nanocomposite structures were carried out within the scope of this thesis.

Kompozit Tabanlı Alan Etkili Transistör Tasarımı ve Dokunsal Algılama Uygulaması

Nov 3, 2022

Cytotoxic and Apoptotic Effects of Olive Leaf Extract Chitosan Nanoparticles on Breast Cancer MCF-7 and Lung Cancer A549 Cells

Chitosan, which is a biocompatible and nontoxic material, is predominantly used as a polymer having the ability to nanoparticle formation. In this work, we immobilized olive leaf extract (OLE) with chitosan
nanoparticles (CNPs), and elaborately characterized the OLE-CNPs.

Cytotoxic and Apoptotic Effects of Olive Leaf Extract Chitosan Nanoparticles on Breast Cancer MCF-7 and Lung Cancer A549 Cells

Oct 17, 2022

Enhancement of the corrosion resistance of mild steel with femtosecond laser- nanostructuring and CrCoNi medium entropy alloy coating

In this work, the corrosion resistance of mild steel surface nanostructured with a femtosecond laser and coated with high corrosion resistant CrCoNi (CCN) medium entropy alloy through magnetron sputtering is studied.

Enhancement of the corrosion resistance of mild steel with femtosecond laser- nanostructuring and CrCoNi medium entropy alloy coating

Oct 7, 2022

Erythro-PmBs: A Selective Polymyxin B Delivery System Using Antibody-Conjugated Hybrid Erythrocyte Liposomes

As a result of the growing worldwide antibiotic resistance crisis, many currently existing antibiotics have become ineffective due to bacteria developing resistive mechanisms.

Erythro-PmBs: A Selective Polymyxin B Delivery System Using Antibody-Conjugated Hybrid Erythrocyte Liposomes

Sep 27, 2022

Evolution of Raman and Photoluminescence Spectral Characteristics of Monolayer CVD-MoS2 Over a Wide Temperature Range

In this study, the temperature-dependent characteristics of monolayer MoS2 flakes produced by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) are examined at temperatures ranging from 83 to 483 K.

Evolution of Raman and Photoluminescence Spectral Characteristics of Monolayer CVD-MoS2 Over a Wide Temperature Range

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NanoMagnetics Instruments Ltd. Suite 290, 266 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7DL

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With a team of more than 60 personnel, all our system designing, development, manufacturing, assembly, integration and testing are done in-house. Whether it’s a simple standard off-the shelf unit or a complex customised solution, at NMI, we strive to provide cost-effective solutions to satisfy our customers’ requirements.

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